

Carol Mici began her career as a Correction Program Officer in the Massachusetts Department of Correction in 1987. She was promoted several times throughout her career, until her appointment to Acting Commissioner on December 6, 2018, and then confirmed by Governor Baker on January 22, 2019. During her tenure as Commissioner, Ms. Mici oversaw the operation of fifteen (15) correctional facilities, supervised over 4,200 staff, and managed an annual budget of $830 million with an incarcerated census of approximately 6,000. As the Chief Executive Officer, Ms. Mici set the agency’s agenda to meet the overall mission of protecting the public by providing opportunities for incarcerated individuals to immerse themselves in programs and education, helping them achieve success upon release as evident by the low recidivism rate (27%), and high percentages for social determinants. Programs, policies, and procedures were soundly based on national best practice models. She implemented several pioneer initiatives to include the creation of the BRAVE unit for emerging young, incarcerated fathers; and partnered with UMASS Chan Medical School of Law and Psychiatry Program (iSPARC) to develop a method for establishing the magnitude and driver of racial and ethnic disparities within MADOC’s inmate classification system. Additionally, she reorganized the Office of Investigative Services and the Internal Affairs Unit for improved reporting and investigative practices; enhanced technology by implementing a statewide body worn camera program, and hired an outside consultant to overhaul the inmate management system; created living and learning environments for incarcerated learners; closed/suspended operations of four aging facilities to improve staffing levels and culture across the agency, and to improve surroundings for both staff and incarcerated individuals.

She holds a Bachelor of Arts from Westfield State University with a Major in Psychology/Minor, Criminal Justice and a Masters in Public Administration from Suffolk University, Cum Laude.

She is a professional member of the American Correctional Association; International Corrections and Prison Association; and the Correctional Leaders Association and served as the Northeast Regional Chair. Additionally, Ms. Mici is a graduate of the Executive Excellence Program with the National Institute of Corrections; was a member of several committees and commissions both locally and nationally; has served on numerous expert panels, has been a member of several Task Force Committees and Governance Committees and worked with several agencies and Sheriff’s Departments across the Commonwealth to promote the vision and mission of the DOC.

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