
Corrections and COVID-19: Maintaining Mental Wellness of Staff and Inmates During Custodial Pandemonium

As the nation grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic, the virus is making its way into correctional facilities, threatening not only the physical, but also the emotional health of staff and inmates alike. During this public health crisis, identifying the specific vulnerabilities of correctional facilities and the people within them is critical. Presenters will review the mechanisms of fear and anxiety influencing atypical human behavior during pandemic events. Specifically, this webinar will examine the relationship between pandemic activity, stress, and trauma, to strengthen the attendee’s ability to maintain effective care and custody of incarcerated people, while supporting resiliency in the workforce. Attendees will leave the webinar equipped with a toolkit of practical strategies and resources for mitigating the spread of infectious disease, as well as strategies for combating pandemic-related angst and apathy in correctional staff.



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